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The Absolute

Logic at its core consists of Affirmation, defined in a single word a simple: "yes". Speaking about anything, implicitly affirms something in particular. Without affirmation we communicate nothing. For even if a sound is made, is the implicit affirmation of that sound, to paint a picture is the implicit affirmation of that picture.

This is such that the occurance of every happening or experience is in itself the implicit affirmation of that happening or experience. If this were not the case, this could not be read and consequently responded to, since nothing would have occurred to be responded to.

This principle of Affirmation is the ever present, immutable, axiomatic law, outside of which there cannot be anything, in other words, there is no outside. Affirmation as a principle is the universal Absolute by definition: Loosed from any limitation or condition; uncontrolled; unrestricted; unconditional.


Absolute Affirmation by definition includes ALL excluding nothing. ALL is logically necessary as there cannot be only a part. ALL must have no limits otherwise it could not be ALL. There cannot be many "alls" as they would mutually exclude each other, not one would be ALL.

Negation and Limitation

Negation on the other hand, only arises through LIMITED or incomplete affirmations. Negation is the affirmation of something in particular.

"Limitation presents the character of a veritable negation, to set a limit is to deny that which is limited everything that this limit excludes, and consequently the negation of a limit is properly the negation of a negation, that is to say, logically, and even mathematically, an affirmation, so that in reality the negation of all limit is equivalent to total and Absolute Affirmation."

Limitless/Absolute Negation, Impossibility

Impossibility is absolute negation as opposed to absolute affirmation or limited affirmation, and the easiest way to identify an impossibility is through self negation/contradiction, for if it negates itself it negates everything else as well.

For instance, if the statement "there is no absolute truth" were true it would be the absolute truth.

Out of necessity, every explicit negation contains an implicit affirmation of the thing being negated, and therefore is a self-negation, a self contradiction, an impossibility.

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