How to batch add tts audio to anki cards offline.
- Torrent and install cracked Voiceroid from
- Export anki deck as csv
- Open CSV with spreadsheet program
- Copy the column which has the text you want to convert to audio
- Paste into voiceroid, Click the voice save button, and Export so that each new line is a seperate audio file.
- Copy all audio files to %appdata%\Anki2\(your profile name)\
- Create a incrementing column in the spreadsheet program using autofill or whatever, ie: 0, 1, 2, 3 - last number in audio card file name
- Copy the incrementing incrementing column to notepad++ and with multiline edit make each line look like this [sound:filename-#.wav]
- "#" should be the incremented number in the filename and "filename" should be the common filename you used for all the audio files